Roofs get damaged for various reasons and there are certain signs you should look for when you want to rectify the roof. The first thing is the age of the roof. According to experts, an asphalt shingle roof should have a durability of 20 and 30 years. When a roof gets near to that duration, it starts to wear out and this should be replaced early. Another indication to look for is when the shingles begin to curl. There are two categories of curling. Cupping occurs when the edges of the shingle change upwards and clawing happens when edges remain flat and the middle points come up. Both are indications of weathering and show that there is an existence of a problem.
When you notice shingles are cracked, that is a clear indication of a change as it resulted from the damage of the wind. If the shingles cracked are a few pieces, you can rectify them. If the cracks are on the entire roof then there is a need for replacement. Leaks are another essential signs that your roof requires rectification. Look out for sunlight and water stains on the wall to verify where the leaks are spotted. Getting granules inside the gutter is a clear sign that you need to do something. If you recently bought an asphalt shingle room and find them, it shows that they are loose. When the shingles have a durability of more than 10 years and find granules in the gutter, that is a huge issue since they will start dropping.
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If you notice the roof is sagging, that’s a sign of a structural problem. This could have resulted from an issue with the decking of an attic. The sagging could be renovated if it is a small section affected. Missing shingles is another indication of an ancient roof and need replacement if they are many.